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Boniswa Holland

You guys must fight so often!”

“You guys must fight so often!” is usually what I am told when I tell people that my business partner is not only by business partner but my best friend, room mate, wing women, and in general the person I spend all my time with.  And my answer to them is very simple  “No not at all”

Boxing Yourself In

Judy Ditchfield

Brave enough to change

I started my official life as an actress in 1984. I slotted into the box perfectly. I came from a family of performers, I loved to perform so I went to University, got my drama degree, and got into a resident acting company. The perfect job for me.  But I remember feeling really irritated and quite affronted when people asked me what my real job was. 

Watch Your Towel!

Charlotte Butler

I was born in PE – the Windy City or, as I remember it, the Friendly City.

We never had much money but never wanted for anything. As in most coastal cities, you always had the beach and the sea for wonderful family outings.

Why I keep on coming back to Role Play

Ilse Klink

Role Play has become a part of who I am…I’m not talking about acting…I’m talking about my real life. It’s changed the way I view and handle my life completely. It’s the most invaluable tool I’ve been gifted in my adulthood.

I could have been in Bay Watch!

Charlotte Butler

I could have been in Bay Watch! Not now, but in my youth, certainly. Would I have been as good as any of the actors on screen – yes, I say in all humility. Would I have looked as good as Pamela Anderson in a red bikini? – definitely!  NOT! But with some expensive panel beating, I would have given her a good run for her money (in fact it would have taken all her money to make me look as good!) And that is precisely why they cast her in the first place – she was perfect for that part.