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It’s time to care

Judy Ditchfield

Over the last few months Performance Role Play Training has published many blogs on subjects that are relevant to what we do, and the lessons we have learnt. So many have been about connections, building relationships, communication and acknowledgement in the workplace. 

Right now, what are people needing more than anything? Yip connections, relationships albeit virtually, and yes acknowledgement. 

We are all in the midst of the Corona Virus and Covid 19. We are all affected by it and many, or let’s say, most responsible people have gone into some form of quarantine or isolation, or at least social distancing as a family or in small groups or alone.  There is so much vulnerability and fear, and uncertainty. And loneliness. Isolation in more ways than one. 

As much as we yearn for feeling seen and acknowledged in the workplace, right now in this crazy, uncertain and yet incredible time, people need to feel they matter, and they are thought about at home too, as they struggle through the uncertainty. Not many are reaching out for help, but many need it. Never in our lifetime have these connections been more important. 

The more we separate; the more people need one another.

And what is emerging out of the separation is the most beautiful sense of community. People are starting to reach out to others. It is becoming evident around the world. People are singing from their balconies in Italy, singers and dancers are giving open classes for free, actors are doing monologues on every social media platform available, chefs are sharing recipes and sages are giving spiritual advice. These are available to everyone who has access to social media. 

But we need so much more, for so many more. 

As people are isolating, we need to “feel” each other as we physically separate. Just like we need in the workplace.  We need comfort, tenderness, kindness and above all, just some form of acknowledgement or just being seen. Being checked on is worth more than anything. 

So what can we do?

As these weeks continue, instead of getting caught up in our fears and our personal needs, let’s try to connect with one person every day. Let it be a message on Instagram, a phone call, skype or facetime, a whatsapp or sms.  Just check in with someone digitally, somewhere in the world.  Reach out and make a difference. It could be their only connection right now. 

“We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.”                                     Brené Brown