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The Global Marriage

Jocelyn Broderick

Is this all doom and gloom?

The last few weeks have been crazy – well, crazier than usual. I have been rushing to get things done at a frenzied pace; making sure family are looked after; bringing in enough to get through the end of the month; as this ever-growing shadow darkens in the sky above and around us. We have been practicing social distancing and keeping home as much as possible for weeks now. My eldest son arrived from America two weeks ago for a week’s visit to see friends and family. He can’t visit and see friends.

It’s time to care

Judy Ditchfield

Over the last few months Performance Role Play Training has published many blogs on subjects that are relevant to what we do, and the lessons we have learnt. So many have been about connections, building relationships, communication and acknowledgement in the workplace. 

Right now, what are people needing more than anything? Yip connections, relationships albeit virtually, and yes acknowledgement. 


Ilse Klink

Through the years I’ve had the privilege of falling in love with people who understand the economy of words. In fact, I was, as a child, a very silent and insecure individual not sure that anything I said was of value to the world.

Don’t you often find yourself stuck, unable to be creative enough to pick the right topic to discuss, with those of few words?

Are you connecting?

Judy Ditchfield

Communication should be a “hard” skill. It’s not always easy.

Engagement is a necessary evil

Today, in the business environment, high levels of skill are highly prized. Individuals are largely put into managerial positions due to their experience and advanced skill set. However, the ability  to communicate is seen as secondary. It is regarded as a “soft skill”, a necessary “evil”. Unfortunately it has become the “evil” in an environment where it is a fundamental, and an intrinsic part of effective leadership. 

What sets leaders apart?

Feeling a little naked?

Phyllis Ndlovu

In most, if not all organisations, performance management systems are introduced and enhanced in order to ensure continuous improvement and optimisation. Performance management systems are also one of the tools through which employees are acknowledged, incentivised and where applicable corrective measures put in place. This neatly outlined argument is of course perfect in theory. 

Why do things get a little colourful when it comes to implementation?


Boniswa Holland

You guys must fight so often!”

“You guys must fight so often!” is usually what I am told when I tell people that my business partner is not only by business partner but my best friend, room mate, wing women, and in general the person I spend all my time with.  And my answer to them is very simple  “No not at all”